Phone +Phoebe= happy:)

Life is worth Living

Netiquette rules


šŸ–šŸ»Hello againšŸ–šŸ». Welcome back to my blogs. Today I will be explaining in my own words 6 of the netiquette rules. If you donā€™t already know what netiquette is here is the definition- the correct way of using the internet. Now here are the rules-


RULE 1: remember the human

Remember that when you are communicating friends or family that you are realising that they are real people and that you have a second thought about what you are about to post online for other people to see. respect everyone and donā€™t be rude. Once it is uploaded it will always be there.


RULE 2: Adhere to the same standards of behaviour online that you follow in real life

Donā€™t forget that the people you are talking to re real and that t will still hurt them if you are rude.

Your behaviour on the internet should be no different to if you were speaking face to face with someone.


RULE 3: Know where you are in cyberspace

In some places on the internet what you say may be appropriate however in other places it might be considered rude. For example you may send a funny text to your friend but it will not be appropriate to send to your boss or teacher.


RULE 4: Respect other peoples time

When texting people you shouldnā€™t waste their time. write important and well thought out texts and donā€™t keep sending annoying texts to people. If they are at work or in class there is no reason to be texting them.


RULE 5: Make yourself look good online

Thankfully online you can’t judge peoples appearance however you can have spelling eras and not knowing what you are talking about. Always check your work and maybe get help fom family or friends.


RULE 6: share expert knowledge

The internet was practically made for people to find unknown knowledge. If you have great knowledge about something donā€™t waste for only your mind. You should make a blog and share your expert knowledge to the world. Let people know.


  1. Dear Phoebe,
    I really really enjoy this post becuase it reminds people about netiquette rules. In my opinion, netiquette rules are very important because it teaches people what to do online and what to remember online. I live in Hawaii, and I think sometimes everyone needs a little reminder on what netiquette rules are. Which rule do you think is the most important. Come and check out my blog @

  2. Dear Phoebe,
    I really liked your post about netiquette rules and it reminds people to be polite on the internet. To me, netiquette rules are really important as it teaches people to be polite and not go off topic online. I live in Australia and I think that more people should use netiquette rules and get to know what they are. Please come and check out my blog at


  3. I love this blog post! So many times people are cruel to others on the internet because they can go anonymous. They look over the fact that they are talking to real people with feelings. Knowing internet etiquette is extremely important. It is great that you are sharing this blog post to help educate people.

    Please visit my blog:


  4. katherinemedrano

    March 25, 2017 at 2:06 am

    Hi Phoebe thanks for informing us as the reader what are the right and wrong things to do online. Many people are suppose to know those things but most don’t pay attention to what’s wrong or right. I was just learning about netiquette rules in my College and Career readiness class and you can even lose your job for what you post online if inappropriate. If you would wish to visit my blog the link to it is

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